January 10, 2025
Make your house the envy of the neighborhood with simple projects that boost curb appeal and give your home that dressed-to-impress appearance. What’s more, curb appeal landscaping boosts property value and delivers big returns for small investments. Planting beds look sharp and picture-perfect when you first apply mulch. Over time, though, sun and weather can cause fading, giving mulch a tired appearance. You can greatly improve the look and curb appeal of your lawn, as well as your entire home, buy simply refreshing your mulch. Mulch comes in a variety of colors and materials and is spread or laid over the surface of the soil as a covering. It is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, keep the soil cool, and make the garden bed look more attractive. Organic mulches also help improve the soil’s fertility, as they decompose. Organic mulch will decompose and have to be replaced, but in the process, it will also improve your soil’s fertility and its organic content. The dryer and woodier the mulch, the slower it will decompose and the fewer nutrients it will give to the soil.